CG Questions

The Call to Discipleship (Part I)

Mark 1:14-20 and Other References

  1. Message of Jesus:

    • What does Jesus proclaim in verse 15?

    • How does Jesus describe the Kingdom of God?

  2. Response of the Disciples:

    • How do Simon (Peter) and Andrew respond to Jesus' call?

    • What do James and John do when Jesus calls them?

  3. Immediate Obedience:

    • What does the immediate response of the disciples teach us about following Jesus?

    • Discuss the significance of leaving their livelihoods to follow Jesus.

  4. Symbolism and Metaphor:

    • What might the imagery of "fishers of men" signify?

  5. Comparative Analysis:

    • How does Mark's account of the calling of the disciples compare to other Gospel accounts (e.g., Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 5:1-11)?

    • Are there any significant differences or similarities worth noting?

  6. Personal Application:

    • How does this passage challenge us in our own discipleship journey?

    • What are some modern-day "nets" or "boats" that we might need to leave behind to follow Jesus more closely?

  7. Feeding of the 5000:

    • If you compare John’s account of this event (John 6) you see that Jesus already knew what he was going to do. Why did he test the disciples in this way?

  8. Walking on the Water:

    • What does Jesus' response to the disciples teach us about faith and fear?

    • How might the feeding of the five thousand and Jesus walking on water relate to spiritual truths or themes?

  9. Lessons for Discipleship:

    • What lessons can we learn from the disciples' experiences in this passage?

    • How can we apply these lessons to our own journey of discipleship and following Jesus?